Your Special CSV Editor
CSV files are often found in data migrations as almost every software solution offers this format as an export and import option.
Since the CSV format is not standardized and is therefore used differently, it results in valuable time being lost when transferring data. Usually, the right tools are simply missing, and you have to struggle with editors that are not designed for this purpose.
The new smasi CSV-Wizard will help you because this CSV editor is designed to convert CSV or TSV files quickly and easily.
Download and try the latest version for MacOS or Windows today without obligation.

Smart and simple
Even if you don't use the CSV editor frequently, you will quickly find your way around because you will be guided through the selected process step by step.
Process many files
For bulk mutations, you can easily select multiple files directly and process them specifically in a single operation with minimal effort.
For repetitive tasks
In repetitive tasks (e.g., import operations), you can combine and automate specific functions in a batch without a long training period.
100% privacy
The smasi CSV-Wizard is deliberately available as a native application and sensitive data does not leave your local, secure environment. More...
The smasi CSV-Wizard is very different from well-known CSV editors because a wizard guides you safely through the individual steps of each feature. However, it also includes a classic CSV editor or CSV viewer, allowing you to easily view and, if necessary, manually modify the content. It is worth trying this tool...
Show CSV content
Practical CSV viewer resp. CSV editor with integrated search function and copy&paste.
Alter CSV Format
Change basic formats like text encoding, field separators or text delimiters.
Pad field contents
Fill field contents to a specified length with spaces.
Replace field contents
Replace field values (including empty values) with new text values using a mapping list.
Copy field contents
Write or insert the contents of one field into another field.
Clear field contents
Clear all contents of a field or overwrite with a specified text value.
Change upper or lower case
Toggle between upper case and lower case letters of text values.
Trim whitespaces
Remove whitespaces at the beginning and end of the text value or delete multiple spaces in the text itself.
Add new columns
Append one or more columns with a possible default value to the table.
Only allow specific characters
Only allow certain characters in the content and remove all other characters.
Arrange columns
Change the order of columns in the CSV or TSV file.
Delete columns
Delete one or more columns with the associated field contents.
Rename columns
Conveniently change column labels in the first heading row.
Remove disturbing characters
Replace quotes, field separators, or line breaks in field contents.
Replace accent marks and umlauts
Replace existing umlauts (ä = ae) and remove accented characters (é = e).
Change numeric values
Change the number format and compute a conversion if necessary.
Insert string
Insert or append a string at a specified position.
Replace string
Replace or remove a specified string in text. This feature supports regular expressions.
Regular Updates
The CSV-Wizard is currently beging developed with great passion and each new feature will be released as an update. The initial release will lay the groundwork for further editors, such as TXT, JSON, and XML files. New features will be published regularly, so check here regularly or subscribe to the newsletter.
Are you wondering why you need another editor? You'll find the answer in this blog post.